A little sample calculation, take a look on the table below ....

Prices about dentist service in Germany and Ukraine compared
on the following table. The service is about prothesis of
a teeth line bridge.

preliminary examination
EUR 150,00

X-ray examination
EUR 60,00

preparing prints
EUR 100,00

Preparations on existing
EUR 250,00

Building denture
EUR 4900,00

Final examination
EUR 120,00

health insurance
for foreign countries
- not needed -

Ammount for flight
- not needed -

exeptional commuting
- not needed -

- not needed -

Guide- and translation
- not needed -

Total ammount:

EUR 5580,00

preliminary examination
EUR 5,00

X-ray examination
EUR 3,00

preparing prints
EUR 15,00

Preparations on existing
EUR 10,00

Building denture
EUR 250,00

Final examination
EUR 5,00

health insurance
for foreign countries
EUR 25,00

Ammount for flight
EUR 500,00

exeptional commuting
EUR 30,00

EUR 140,00

Guide- and translation
EUR 650,00

Total ammount:

EUR 1633,00


This comparison of prices depends on several offers about the same
kind of service taken in Germany and specially chosen dentist
clinics in Ukraine that are delivering same or even better quality
in treetment. The costs are not even 30% of those in western Europe.

This price information is a sample and not guaranteed.